Category: Blog

Destroyed MicroSD data recovery

A suspect tried to destroy a Dash Camera, we received it in pieces but were we able to recover it? Watch and find out! 

Digital Forensics – What you need to know.

Below you will find a link to our youtube playlist. We have created this 5 part series on digital forensics, where we cover from getting started, all the way to equipment necessary for each lab.

SanDisk Micro SD not showing up / not detected

MicrSD card might stop showing up or detecting in your phone or computer. There is, unfortunately, no DIY solution for such an event and only a professional lab can retrieve the data. This type of recovery is very complex and time consumning. Watch the video to understand more about it.

Creating a forensic image of a MacBook with T2

In forensics, we often get MacBooks for imaging. The imaging process is different than most other computers. In this video, Krzys details that exact process. 

Lexar USB drive not recognized on Mac

This is yet another typical failure of Lexar USB drives.