Category: Blog

USB Stabilizer and Guardonix Write Blocker

This is a must have tool for any data recovery and forensics lab. USB Stabilizer to help you read failing USB drives and Guardonix for white protecting any drive. See our review below:

Is private browsing safe?

This is the big question when you are browsing the internet. Is your browsing really that safe? What can someone find using commercially available software? Watch and find out!

Best software for data recovery – A complete guide

Looking for the best data recovery software? Here is a list of what the pros are using.

Saving Bitcoin from a USB

Bitcoin is getting very valuable and should be guarded by any means necessary. But do you trust your USB drive if you keep anything related to cryptocurrency on a USB? What do you do when the USB fails? Watch our technician Krzys, fix a dead USB and save our client a large sum of money. …

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We have added a new Ticket system

We have added a new ticketing system to make it easier to send in new cases into our lab. In the top menu, you will see a new item titled “Open a new case” This menu will take you to where you can start a new ticket. You will need to make an account. …

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